Friday, January 07, 2005

Hold On (by Selah)

If you feel today that you can’t make it
Keep holding on--'cause you can take it.
If you hold on
A little while longer—
Hold on a little while longer—
Hold on just a little while longer—
Hold on

If you feel it’s raining in your life
And day by day there’s nothing going right
Just hold on…a little while longer…
Hold on a little while longer—
Hold on just a little while longer—
Hold on

Never give up, never give in,
Never let go of God’s guidance
Never let people take you down
You’re gonna make it

Just hold on a little while longer
Hold on a little while longer
Hold on a little while longer
Hold on


Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

pieterfriedrich: I like modearn art.
jamiedude84: Modearn?
pieterfriedrich: Right.
pieterfriedrich: That's how I spell it.
jamiedude84: I just call it "mod art".
jamiedude84: It's more chic.
pieterfriedrich: Oh, yeah?
jamiedude84: Yeah.
pieterfriedrich: Well *I* call it "mo ar."
jamiedude84: *I* call it "Mo".
pieterfriedrich: *I* call it "M".
jamiedude84: *I* don't call it anything.
pieterfriedrich: Hey!
jamiedude84: What?
pieterfriedrich: You undercut me.
jamiedude84: Yep.
I need to generate some traffic on my blog. Maybe I should post something post titled "God Hates Sinners". (Sheesh, it worked for Pieter!)

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

My favorite movie quote of the moment:

Charlie McKay: "We have a saying in the McKay house: "You shake and shake the ketchup bottle, none will come, and then a lot'll.""

Did God cause the tsunami that killed 100,000 people? Or did He allow it to happen?

I'm surprised at the many responses I've seen from Christians that directly link this disaster to the judgement of God. One such person listed only three possible answers to such a disaster: (1) "[God's] rebuke to His people", (2) an event meant "to teach us or strengthen us", or (3) "judgement of the wicked".

I don't understand why anyone should hold to a view of God's nature that runs contrary to scripture, and that makes God directly responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened. Do we really believe that God directly caused the deaths of the millions of babies aborted every year? That He directly caused the Holocaust, and the killing fields in Cambodia, and this recent tsunami? All for the purpose of teaching and rebuking Christians or judging the wicked?

Yes, God is sovereign--He can do what He wills, and He is under no obligation to explain His actions. And yes, God has in the past caused calamities--for instance, the world-wide flood in Noah's lifetime, or the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah. But to assume that God directly causes everything that happens, rather than allowing a sinful and cursed world to run its course, is to assume that God is the author of evil and death--for He necessarily causes people to sin. And that is certainly contrary to scripture.

This happens to be a major problem that I have with Calvinism--the logical conclusion of the Calvinist definition of sovereignty is that God causes sin--that He directly wills bad things to happen, and bad people to do them, and even bad people to be bad.

The Bible says that disasters will happen in a sinful and fallen world. Romans 8 talks about the curse of sin to which the whole world is subject. The result of this curse is that "the whole creation groans in the pains of childbirth even to this very day".

But the Bible also warns that we ought not to attribute disaster to God's "judgement of the wicked", unless God himself has said so, as we see in the case of the flood, or the ten plagues, or Sodom and Gomorrah. When a tower in the city of Siloam fell on eighteen people and crushed them to death, what was Jesus' response? Apparently His disciples' first thought was a Calvinistic one: this was God's judgement on wicked people. But Jesus said: "What about the eighteen men who died when the Tower of Siloam fell on them? Were they the worst sinners in Jerusalem? No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will also perish."

I would also be wary of assuming a disaster was "God's rebuke to His people" unless I saw it written out very clearly in scripture. And it's a logical fallacy to assume that, because God done something in the past in order to teach His people a lesson, that every similar event in the future has to be God's rebuke as well.

Unless and until someone can show me plain evidence in scripture that God does, indeed, cause every bad thing that happens, I'll stick with the simpler interpretation: that death and suffering is no more and no less than the result of sin. And that while God allows every calamity to happen, He doesn't directly cause them.
I just discovered something about myself--I want my spiritual walk to be like a movie.

I don't mind doing the right thing--as long as I'm properly appreciated for it, I can see how it fits into the plotline, and I'm in the right mood (preferably helped along by appropriate background music.)

But heaven forbid that I should have to give up any of my time to help out, am inconvenienced in any way, have to help when I'm not feeling well, or--far worse--do somebody else's job! My dad calls this last the "union mentality"--a refusal to do anything above or beyond what is strictly required of you by the letter of the law. I protest whenever he applies that description to me, but I guess he's right after all.

Why do I want life to be so cushy? I wish I had been born with a natural propensity for doing the hard things, and always having the right attitude, and with no concern for the "me and mine". I think I need to build some spiritual muscle. *sigh*

Monday, January 03, 2005

Should public prayer be allowed in schools? If so, what are the ramifications of that--should public prayer to Allah or other deities be allowed as well? Do you think this is a non-issue?

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Rachel comes home tomorrow from Florida! We've missed you, Rachel--it's no fun staying up late when you aren't here to yell at me to go to bed! *grin*
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