Aha! I found another one:
Thank you for emailing. Before I forget, would you mind forwarding this email to Andy? I believe it will answer the question he put to me on the blog. (I would CC it to him, but I don’t have his email address.) Thanks!
Ok…I am familiar with Euthyphro’s Dilemma and the issue that you raise. You argue, along with Plato, that only two alternatives exist. Either Right is Right because God commands it, in which case He is simply making a decision on an arbitrary basis, OR a separate standard of Right exists and God merely recognizes that standard, in which case He is no longer sovereign.
However, many philosophers insist that this is a faulty dilemma—that there is a third possibility. This third alternative is that God neither commands “x” because “x” is good, nor is “x” good simply because God says so—rather, God’s own nature necessarily defines Right and Wrong. God is, by definition, the ultimate standard of Right and Wrong—if there was a standard to which He had to submit, He would no longer be God.
It would, however, take a great deal of words from me, and patience from you, for me to fully explain my stance—rather, I recently came across an excellent article that outlined exactly what I believe. I am including the link to that article for you. If I could put my position as clearly as the author of this article, I would do so, but I think he does a far better job explaining than I can do at the present time! Please read the article, then, and take it from there.
Perhaps in a later email (it’s after midnight here…I don’t have time to address the issue tonight) you could explain what your basis for moral values is, and I’ll explain why I believe that the Greeks’ system of ethics is useless without a belief in God.
I hope this email answers both your objections and Andy’s—let me know what you think of the article.