Saturday, September 18, 2004

I'm feeling lonely right now. I don't even know why.

Friday, September 17, 2004

I have been duped. I have been led up the primrose path--me! who was once considered clear-sighted! I honestly thought my professor's name was Braunschweig. He certainly never corrected my mistake, and there on the syllabus it said, plain as ink (which in fact it was)--Karl Braunschweig. Yes, it did also say John Guinn next to it, but for heaven's sake, Braunschweig's name came first!! Isn't it obvious to any native English speaker that if a name comes first on a list, that we'll naturally assume it's more important than subsequent names? Well. I shall forever hate whoever wrote my syllabus.

Naturally I thought Braunschweig was his name. Naturally when a staff member came up to me and said that Professor Braunschweig was sick and his class was canceled, I thought class was canceled. Such duplicity is too deep for my innocent mind! I cannot fathom such dark dealings intended to make me miss class! Yet they were there, just under the surface. It is really too mean.

In consequence I missed a perfectly good class while I sat blindly trusting in the good faith of the Music Department and that nice lady who told me class was canceled. I turned in an assignment late! (weep, ye heavens!), I was marked absent! (cry 'shame' for the ignominy of it!) and I am undone.

Is there no balm in Gilead?
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