This has been a tiring week. It wasn't that it was so much busier than usual...maybe just more mentally tiring. Sunday was emotionally exhausting, visiting Anna in the hospital--I was delighted to be able to do it, but I felt so bad for her! And the rest of the week...well, actually, I don't know why the rest of the week tired me out.
But--Louie Armstrong is singing "What a Wonderful World" just now (on my headphones, that is), and now I feel better. Ain't people funny? What does it say about me that my mood can change so quickly?
(In case you were wondering, yes, I'm stream-of-consciousnessing!)
I was thinking about Dustin today. Wondering how he's doing at boot camp in Georgia. I think this could be a really maturing experience for him! I've been praying for him a lot...hopefully it's been doing some good! I guess I'll find out when he finally gets around to mailing me his address so I can write.
I just sort of feel disconnected from my friends these days. I never see any of them--Sunday when I spent time with Anna, Brett, Rachel and Joel was the first time in months that I'd really spent time with friends (not counting Halloween Night with Anna, which was awesome, by the way, in case you're reading this, Anna!). Dustin's in Georgia, Pieter never answers my emails. The new friends I've made at school are fine, although none of them share my I can't quite get close to them! And Megan and Lizzy's blogs are down, so I don't know what's going on with them anymore! Where'd you go, people?
I'm going to work out tonight. I have to get back into my weight-training--I've lost all the strength I gained, wuss luck. It's my fault of course--let this be a lesson to all you! Don't be like me and make lame excuses like "I'm too tired because of the three midterms I have to study for", or "I can't because it's already midnight and I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning". You see? Any excuse will serve someone like
me. No get-up-and-go, that's my problem. No strength of will. No character. (I'm trying to shame myself into doing better, if you were wondering.)
A guy in class on Wednesday told me he thought I was "very attractive". Hum. I said "thank-you" and have avoided him ever since! Possibly he just meant to spread sweetness and light, but he's made me darned uncomfortable! Also, I wonder what it is about me and black guys (this guy was black)...the large majority of guys interested in me have been black.
No, I'm not racially profiling! Just wondering.
I watched part of West Side Story the other night--it was on, and I just had to see the end! I thought they would at least have had a happy ending--I was so sure! Instead they ruined it. *scowl* If I had wanted to see Romeo and Juliette, I would have watched Romeo and Juliette! Lousy movie producers.