I have been duped. I have been led up the primrose path--me! who was once considered clear-sighted! I honestly thought my professor's name was Braunschweig. He certainly never corrected my mistake, and there on the syllabus it said, plain as ink (which in fact it was)--Karl Braunschweig. Yes, it did also say John Guinn next to it, but for heaven's sake, Braunschweig's name came first!! Isn't it obvious to any native English speaker that if a name comes first on a list, that we'll naturally assume it's more important than subsequent names? Well. I shall forever hate whoever wrote my syllabus.
Naturally I thought Braunschweig was his name. Naturally when a staff member came up to me and said that Professor Braunschweig was sick and his class was canceled, I thought class was canceled. Such duplicity is too deep for my innocent mind! I cannot fathom such dark dealings intended to make me miss class! Yet they were there, just under the surface. It is really too mean.
In consequence I missed a perfectly good class while I sat blindly trusting in the good faith of the Music Department and that nice lady who told me class was canceled. I turned in an assignment late! (weep, ye heavens!), I was marked absent! (cry 'shame' for the ignominy of it!) and I am undone.
Is there no balm in Gilead?
Naturally I thought Braunschweig was his name. Naturally when a staff member came up to me and said that Professor Braunschweig was sick and his class was canceled, I thought class was canceled. Such duplicity is too deep for my innocent mind! I cannot fathom such dark dealings intended to make me miss class! Yet they were there, just under the surface. It is really too mean.
In consequence I missed a perfectly good class while I sat blindly trusting in the good faith of the Music Department and that nice lady who told me class was canceled. I turned in an assignment late! (weep, ye heavens!), I was marked absent! (cry 'shame' for the ignominy of it!) and I am undone.
Is there no balm in Gilead?
So if Braunschweig isn't the professor of the class you missed, then who is Braunschweig?
Yes, Megan, but I'm that much closer to failing it now! Why, my record is no longer perfect--I can never undo that first smirch on my slate! It's an awful thing to think about it...*frown*
Pieter, he's the professor of the OTHER section of my class, at (confusingly) the same time AND next door. Probably this is why they saved time by using the syllabus, although with all the money they squeeze from students, you wouldn't think they'd have to economize on paper, for goodness sakes!
And, btw, you owe me at least one little email...I'm beginning to think you've forgotten all about me!
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