Saturday, August 21, 2004

I could have understood it if it had been a football player. From a quarterback, or whatever-you-call-em, it would have been understandable. After all, they commonly make such brilliant observations on television as "I think we did real good." But I expected better from the rest of society. I expected better from tv producers, for heavens sake!, who work (I thought) from a script or whatnot. But there it was. "I think I did good."

And is radio any better? It is not. I actually heard one fine young man, in an attempt to sell I forget what, ask sweetly, "Do you get the feeling people are disrespecting you?"

I give up. I'm moving to Great Britain, and taking my frustrations with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie... I love your writing style. No matter what the topic, you always manage to present it in a way that makes me smile. :) To what incident are you referring? I have been so out of the TV loop lately...I don't think I've watched TV since the beginning of the summer, so I have no idea what's going on. Could you elaborate a tiny bit more? Thanks. :) ~Jordan~

12:11 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Thanks, Jordan ;)

I couldn't elaborate if I wanted to, though--I simply walked past the TV set, heard the phrase "I think I did good" on some random TV show (that was being momentarily flipped through in search of something better), and...presto. I blew a mental fuse ;)

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So S-J:

Girl, like what do you mean? Like not everybody has grasped the concepts of our language today. Like get a grip like really quick on reality!

Your Dear Cousin,

12:53 PM  
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