I'm icing my arm tonight. I think I pinched a nerve somehow--anyhow it makes it very difficult to play, rather like intense muscle fatigue running down my arm and into my fingers, and it's aggravated when my arm is bent. AND I have my violin jury tomorrow. Isn't that peachy? At least I'll have an excuse for playing badly!
On a random note, I was practicing today, and I took a break to fool around on the piano (there's one in every practice room). I played through a part of Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata, making various fumbles along the way, which--in my defense--are perfectly natural considering that I haven't seriously practiced it in 4 years. As soon as I finished, someone in the next room played it twice as fast and perfectly. Huh. Show-off.
On a random note, I was practicing today, and I took a break to fool around on the piano (there's one in every practice room). I played through a part of Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata, making various fumbles along the way, which--in my defense--are perfectly natural considering that I haven't seriously practiced it in 4 years. As soon as I finished, someone in the next room played it twice as fast and perfectly. Huh. Show-off.
You played the Pathetique Sonata pathetically?
I didn't play it THAT badly!
I started playing piano when I was 7, J. But I haven't had lessons for the last five years :(
Thanks, Rach!
Hi Jamie i know this post is abot music but there is a very important thing i must tell you. i was reading your blog and down below you say 'For instance, I support equal rights in the public arena for gays' how can you say this its wicked, The Lord said to moses in leviticus 20 13, if a man also lie with mankind, as he liith with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination they shall surrely be put to death there blood shall be upon them !!!!! TheLord says they must be killed and yous ay they shuold have EQUAL RIGHTS ?!!! i can tell you that here in arkansas we are really Godfrearing people but we dont beleive in killing gays what ever The Lord says but we wuold not say they shuold have EQUAL RIGHTS !!!! you must read ALL the Bible not just the bits that are easy!
I appreciate your concern, Arkansassy--I think you didn't read far enough into what I said, though! I defined "equal rights" as being the rights that every American has--the right to due process of law, the right to marry a member of the OPPOSITE sex (the only true definition of marriage), the right to vote, etc. I do not believe the gay community should have SPECIAL rights--i.e. the right to gay "marriage" or civil unions, the right to special tax benefits reserved for married couples, etc.
No Jamie you are just wrigling and not being honest about this go back to your bible and read Leviticus chapter 18 verse22 AND chapter 20verse13 about abominations and putting gays to death as the Lord said to moses we must do
this is not about Americans rights taxes ect it is about GODS LAW!!
do you think putting gays to death is right or WRONG? What did the Lord mean when he said this?
we think it is WRONG nowerdays to p[ut gays to death so we have to be honest and say thatsome of the things The Lord said to moses was bad!!!! our lord Jesus christ did not say these things, only his Holy Father.
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Thanks, Arkansassy, but I actually have read all those portions. I seriously believe that sodomy is an abomination in God's sight. Stoning gays isn't the answer though---for the same reason that we no longer stone rebellious children, even though that, too, is in the Old Testament. The sins are still as bad--but we use different penalties.
I disagree that gays should not have equal rights--you're reading into my statement things that aren't there. I believe murderers and adulterers and thieves should have equal rights too. They should be treated the same as every American--with the same rights but also forced to pay the penalty when they break the law.
I think sodomy should be illegal as it used to be--in which case those who committed sodomy would have to pay the penalty, just like for any other crime.
You are misunderstanding what I mean by equal rights--most people when they say that gays should have equal rights mean that they should have the right to gay marriage, to special legal benefits, and certainly societal approval and empathy. I don't agree with that at all. Read my definition of "equal rights" very carefully before you accuse me of "wriggling" and "not being honest!"
I hope this clears up the misunderstanding.
Oh, and btw, saying that God made a mistake in what He told Moses is NOT the solution. Everything in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament is true. And Jesus Christ IS the Father--they are both the same, so they are not going to contradict each other.
The difference in penalties between the Old Testament and the New Testament is another (lengthy) topic for discussion though.
so you say that altho god, =jesus, says gays shuold be put to death, times have changed so we dont do that any more. so that bit in the bible isn't TRUE any more and how many other bits in the bible arnt true any more?!!
JAMIE i think you are just playing with pretnding that you follow christ and really you are just like all those who deny him and will suffer the firy torments.
i dont want to read your blog any more so i shall not visit it any more to hear more of your words if you want to talk to me you can visit my blog but i dont think you will
the fear of the Lord prolongeth days but the years of the Wicked shall be shortend!!!!!
I'm sorry you feel that way, Arkansassy.
But consider for a moment--Jesus himself did not insist that the woman caught in adultery be stoned according to the law of Moses. Why? Because she wasn't guilty? NO. But God says "I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy." Yet that is not to say that she didn't deserve to be stoned, just as you and I both deserve physical and eternal death for our rebellion against God. If He hadn't chosen to FORGIVE us that debt, that's where we would both be.
I'm not pretending to be a Christian--I am following Jesus Christ, the lover of my soul. And because of that I try to be gracious to everyone--loving the sinner even while I condemn and abhor the sin.
For instance, I could have made a point of your language, which surely isn't what Jesus would have used. As a fellow Christian, I do encourage you to reconsider the use of terms such as "leftie scumbags". Actually we're all scumbags--it's only through God's GRACE that we have been saved. So to call others "scumbags" is to miss the point.
Again, I'm sorry you've misunderstood me, but I am truly a follower of Christ, and I will continue to live my life as I believe He wants me too--even if that means losing a reader on my weblog.
Arkansassy, I figured I'd remind you that the blog entry you commented on has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality. Leaving random, unrelated comments on blog entries is actually kind of rude. If you want to discuss this issue with Jamie, *I'd* suggest you either email her about or discuss it with her on an entry that's about homosexuality, not on an entry that's about Jamie's violin practice.
OK buster but dont worry cos my pastor has told me not to have any more cotact with Jamie cos she has wrong ideas abot our Lord Jesus. you can see what he said on my blog
happy new year from Arkansas were we kick the asses of the librals and the Jesushaters real good
Luke R
Again, I'm sorry that you misunderstand me and my relationship with Jesus Christ, Arkansassy, but as God says in Romans 14:4:
"Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand."and again, later on in chapter 14:
"But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.
For it is written,
So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore..."I do ask that you refrain from using crude language on my blog--it offends others, and I believe it to be offensive to God as well.
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