Saturday, September 04, 2004

Keeping this weblog up during the summer has been an easy thing—whether or not I can keep the ball rolling once school starts is a whole different ballgame. (Aren’t idioms fun?)

Tuesday starts the Fall Semester at Wayne, and since I just changed my major to Music, it also begins my first round of music classes. Strangely enough—I know this is off the subject, but I have to mention it—while I am only registered for 16 academic credits, the university has decided that for billing purposes I’m taking 26. Albeit my willingness to give the Billing Department the benefit of the doubt, somehow I can’t shake the feeling that I’m being swindled. I know, I know—it’s paranoid of me—I feel ashamed of my doubts already.

Forgetting for a moment any fiscal issues, it promises fair to be a fun semester, provided I can work up a creditable callous on my fingertips in time for class. One short summer of rest and relaxation is all it takes—while you’re flipping magazines and sipping lemonade, those darn things sneak off and leave you in the lurch. (I tried to bring ‘em back by force yesterday, but they were—ahem—unwilling to come, and I ended up with an ice-pack for my troubles. And don’t laugh until you’ve tried it, mister. Throbbing fingertips are no picnic!)

While I rush around getting ready, my family is heartlessly unperturbed by the looming semester—very likely I’ll miss them more than they miss me. They make for good comic relief, for one thing. (Where else can you expect to hear a little boy tell his brother that when he gets married, his wedding cake will be decorated a lá Star Wars?)

This weekend, then, is my last weekend of freedom. Sheesh, but that sounds depressing. Well, at least I have two days before the chains of Academia bind me irrevocably. In order to get the most out of these two days, I have decided to take a little trip to Hawaii, or perhaps Bermuda (though not Florida, in light of the fact that they’ll probably be too busy for tourists this weekend.) In the spirit of camaraderie, then, I am offering all you lucky people the chance to finance this weekend trip! Anyone? Anyone at all??


Well, all right then, but people sure are selfish these days!


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