Thursday, June 24, 2004

Response to Anna, who couldn't decide whether I sounded Southern, British, or...simply...accent-less:

this is an audio post - click to play


Blogger Unknown said...

If Michigan is the only state that doesn't have an accent then people in Michigan DO have accents because they sound different from everybody else because they don't have accents.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Jamie said... accent, by definition, is a distorting of pure English. Just because pure, unadulterated English sounds different to all of you doesn't prevent it from being pure, unadulterated English!

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Pieter.

Nobody in America (ok, very, very few) speaks "pure, unadulterated" English. If you don't believe me, ask any English person. (English as in Britain, not English as in English-speaking.) After all, it was their language first.

Nevertheless, I have heard about professionals being hired by police departments, FBI and such to listen to audio clips of people to try and determine what part of the country they're from. It helps with their profiling when trying to track down criminals.

So then, on what facts would you base a claim that you don't have an accent?


3:01 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

I should rephrase my statement--if there is such a thing as pure American English, Michiganders speak it. Naturally I don't speak British English--I consider that a whole different dialect, just as I consider the respective dialects of the Scots and the Irish to be separate from American English.

With that clarification, then, I still think that Michiganders speak pure American English.

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what do you say to the Californians who also claim the lack of accent? I know one who claims to have at least one Texan friend that agrees with them that they don't have an accent (I'm not the Texan friend referenced).

I suppose before long we'll have the ACLU or some other civil-rights group claiming that saying someone has any accent other than "pure-unadulterated-American-English", to stick them with the label of an accent that makes them different, is to discriminate against them.

I, on the other hand, wish I had more of a Texan accent. I can't understand why so many people would want to be different by all being alike. Ie: to all claim that they have "no accent".

I still think that accents are just a minor form of dialects, and very noticeable accents are major dialects. They're all different and there is not one that is "pure" or "unadulterated".

Anyway, enough debating. I'm off to have dinner with some friends. Lasagna and ice cream... yumm! :-D


3:41 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Ice-cream?! *I* want some ice-cream!!

I have no idea if Californians have accents or not...I've only heard Pieter speak once or twice...but I didn't notice any obvious accent. That's why I said Michigan is ONE of the few states that are accent-less.

And...okay, so you found me out ;) I've always kinda wished I had some kind of accent...and yet, I still think Michiganders don't have any!

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the new blog name and subtitle, but I want to know which you want to be: a cowboy or a pirate? Or do you have a split personality? Perhaps, like a Jewish mother, I need to pray, "May she have many sons!"

8:13 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Well...yes, you've discovered me...I have a split personality. Don't tell me you've never met Jorge? Jamie is the cowboy time, but Jorge would be better as a pirate--he's the buccaneering sort ;)

If you're going to post as anonymous, won't you are least put your name at the bottom? unless you want to be TRULY anonymous! Jorge and I certainly hope you don't! *grin*

1:08 PM  

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