I saw a parrot yesterday.
It was sitting on a branch in front of a little white house. I had taken out my inline skates for the first time this year, and when I bladed down Mulberry Street, and thence behind the new elementary school they're building, I saw It. I heard it first--It was making noises to itself, which is what attracted my attention--and then--there it was, all blue and yellow and squawking intermittently. It wasn't tied or anything of the sort; it seemed rather to belong to the house.
I wonder if the previous owners left it behind: "Three-bedroom ranch, one-and-a-half baths, new appliances; also included: one parrot, with appurtenances".
It was sitting on a branch in front of a little white house. I had taken out my inline skates for the first time this year, and when I bladed down Mulberry Street, and thence behind the new elementary school they're building, I saw It. I heard it first--It was making noises to itself, which is what attracted my attention--and then--there it was, all blue and yellow and squawking intermittently. It wasn't tied or anything of the sort; it seemed rather to belong to the house.
I wonder if the previous owners left it behind: "Three-bedroom ranch, one-and-a-half baths, new appliances; also included: one parrot, with appurtenances".
How do you know the parrot includes appurtenances?
The appurtenance included was the dead, bent branch it was sitting on. It belonged with the parrot. Any half-wit could have seen that.
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